Artificial Flavouring

Back to the Future Day

21/10/2015 21:33
I, like many others in the world today, have had timelines filled with countless of posts celebrating hover-boards, self-tying shoes, and Jaws 19. It’s a day in history that we’ve been looking forward to since the eighties, one that has been falsely memed over the internet, and has prompted...

Pacific Rim

15/10/2015 18:16
Guillermo del Toro is no doubt a genius. You only have to look at Pan’s Labyrinth to realise that. The man is all about the artistry as well as the story, marrying the two in succinct harmony to evolve a hauntingly incredible movie. His work from the aforementioned fantastical horror, vampire romp...

Hit Play: Macbeth (2015)

13/10/2015 22:55
It’s not very often I see a film that I am utterly enthralled with that I actively put off writing about it. There is a general sense of falseness as I write this; like I’m putting on the mask of a critic in order to explain what captivated me so but the words all seem hollow. Awkwardly shuffling...

Why Anti-Heroes are Important

13/07/2015 17:06
When you were younger, the ideal character was the Knight in Shining Armor or Good Princess who was so true and pure, cleaning everything and being able to wait patiently for aforementioned Knight or Prince.  Heroes with a codes of justice that meant they always saved the world like the angels...

Kingsman: The Secret Service

08/06/2015 21:07
 (This article deals with spoilers right from the get go so you have been warned)    Imagine. A bespectacled Colin Firth sits, dapper in a church preaching hate, sleuthing out a villainous plot and inexplicably being a part of it. The congregation are giving Westboro a run for their...
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