Foreign Fancies

Eagle vs Shark

02/05/2013 22:47
New Zealand isn't well known for breaking box office in any other country. In fact, name one film for me that came from New Zealand film industry. No, The Flight of the Concords was not a film. Brilliant, yes, but not a film. While we may have wondered at its scenery in Lord Of The Rings, we have never seen the heart and soul of the brilliant country. Well, my friends let me introduce to Eagle Vs Shark. It's not what you think; the love child of Sharktopus and Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus but it...


26/04/2013 00:47
  Anime has become vastly popular in the Western World. Despite originally being unknown, kept to the confines of Japan, Anime has since grown in strength globally. The way I see it, there are two sides of anime watching. There’s the hardcore and serious anime fan; watching the likes of Ghost in the Shell and Ghibli’s best (Grave of the Fireflies, obviously.) And the gentle anime fan who only watches cute little creatures battle it out in television serious. And do I mention Hentai? You...


18/04/2013 19:59
Horror movies are great sources of fear. They can go two ways.  Either they monopolize on fear that already exists such as It (if you try to tell me that clowns aren’t scary, then you are wrong.) Or they create a new one. Jaws made us afraid of the water. The Blair Witch Project made us afraid of the woods. And the latest Evil Dead has made us terrified of remakes. Luckily though, all these films are kept nice and safe behind the screen. Until this little treat, Ringu, decided to change...


11/04/2013 21:26
  For this weeks Foreign Fancy and honouring the Japanese Horror week, I am once again delving into that obscure little mind that is Takeshi Miike. This week it is by far one of his most famed works, one that was given to me on record video tape (ahhhh nostalgia) and I watched secretly in my bedroom; Audition. So here is the 1999 psychological thriller that is full of twists, shocking moments, gruesome scenes and graphic, very graphic, violence. Based on a novel by Ryu Murakami (not that...

Battle Royale

05/04/2013 07:52
  I have written about Battle Royale before. But before you panic that this is another retro post as I copy and paste in a haze of laziness, I am actually starting from scratch with the whole “teenager-on-teenager” violent movie for two reasons. One because this is Japanese Horror month and Battle Royale would be the top of that list; it seemed foolish to let it slide into the abyss of my articles. And two because the previous article I wrote was pre- Hunger Games and this is post Hunger...
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