Indie-licious Snacks

We Need To Talk About Kevin

04/06/2015 18:48
Ezra Miller is quickly becoming an actor to look out for. While most notably his recent casting as The Flash has propelled him into super stardom, the films that came before him burn with this talent and personality unparalleled by his generation of actors. You just have to look at his other well...

Man Up

25/05/2015 17:12
Romantic comedies often fill the humble cinema goer with dread. They are, still, in an abundance of clichés clinging to that hope of unforgettable love at first sight and epic gestures to get failed relationships back on the beaten path. For cynics, they are also heaving bags of vomit inducing...

Beyond Clueless

20/05/2015 10:57
Every decade has its own style of teen movies. For example, the seventies dived head first into psychedelic drugs, alcohol and horror whilst the eighties transformed into realism and emotionality under the guidance of John Hughes. Even now, there is a striking tone with teen movies - a tone of...


19/05/2015 15:36
  Tom Hardy is a mysterious character, isn't he? There is something hard to pin on about his character which is somewhat refreshing in this day and age of Twitter celebrities and Vines. He seems to be like that bloke down the pub who is all stoic and quiet but if you engage him for a...

The Stag

11/05/2015 19:20
There are times in a cinematic life where a film genuinely surprises you. You could go into a terrible film and come out taken aback by how incredible it is. I’ve done this before. I mean, I’ve certainly done the opposite where I’ve expected something badly great and wound up being horrible...
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