Indie-licious Snacks

Kissing Jessica Stein

01/07/2013 18:05
Lesbians are a hot topic when it comes to cinema. I’m not talking just your arty and independent cinema; I am also talking about the mainstream. In fact, wildly more accepted in movies is girl on girl. Actually researching the LGBT film week, I came across many websites promoting lists of “the...

Little Miss Sunshine

23/05/2013 23:05
  There is always a huge looming question when it comes to “indie” movies. Usually, in the simplest terms it is an independent movie done on a shoe string budget with relatively unknown cast. But in recent years, “indie” has come to mean something different. It is usually associated with...

Cannibal! The Musical

08/05/2013 14:22
  Trey Parker and Matt Stone are slowly taking over the world. With South Park constantly on our television boxes and The Book of Mormon sweeping awards on Broadway and The West End, the terrible duo have firmly planted their legacy. With toilet humour, satire, in jokes and more, the...


01/05/2013 23:05
  Imagine going to place where the people around you treat you like you are stupid, lazy and worthless. Have you imagined it? Well, you have just imagined life in retail or the service industry. Life in retail can be hard; you’re called in when it’s supposed to be your day off, you’re forced...


24/04/2013 22:52
  Super and Kick-Ass. Kick-Ass and Super. Here are two very different movies with a similar theme; a comedy about masked vigilantes. While one may be a very successful film that boasted incredible stars, spurned a sequel, revitalised Nicolas Cage’s career, brought the world Chloe Mortez and...
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