Repo! The Genetic Opera

12/01/2013 22:07


Welcome to a new feature that makes you feel a little bit normal about your DVD collection. Like a crush on Jackie Earl Haley, I'll be reviewing some films that I know I shouldn't like but I can't help it. First on the list is Repo! The Genetic Opera and if I haven't harped on about it enough for the past week, I'm sure a wordy article about it will help. Be ready for gushing. Guilty gushing.

(After you've watched this film, this picture will strangly turn you on)

Repo! The Genetic Opera is a goth-rock horror musical. Its the future and organ failures have become an epidemic that has swept the nation. With people dropping off like flies, a savior rises in the form of GeneCo, a bio-tech company that for a price gives people synthetic organs. But when people start having trouble with their payments, the for profit company send out a "repo man" who will repossess your organs right out of your body. It's a very grim future with Graverobbers (and one very handsome one indeed) looking to score money out of back alley surgery and a drug harvested from corpses called Zydrate. In the midst of this messed up world is Shilo, a 17 year old housebound by her father and doctor, Nathan and a blood disease that she inherited by her dead mother. But Nathan has a second job; he is the most terrifying Repo Man. Starring Anthony Stewart Head, Alexa Vega and Paris Hilton, the film is a bloody murderous film with head banging catchy music that hooks you in.

(Featuring many Halloween and convention costumes)

Lets start with exactly why this film shouldn't work. Firstly, the cast and I'm going to make it easy for you. It stars Giles, that girl from Spy Kids, the original Christine from Phantom Of The Opera, that Psycho from House Of 1000 Corpses, some guy from Goodfellas and Romeo + Juliet, a few unknowns and bloody Paris Hilton. On a credit roll, that list should not work on any level. It's a mish mash of actors who can act, actors who cannot act and those who make you head straight head for IMDB because you are sure you've seen him in at least one episode of CSI (your not an unknown actor until that "bloated corpse" is on your list.) Also, its a Goth-rock horror musical with sci-fi elements; a genre that is near impossible to say without tittering a little bit. The music is a combination of classical opera to Nine Inch Nails synth heavy rock metal and it's not that kind of musical that has many speaking parts, it is nearly pure musical and that includes a number that is tongue in cheek as well as brutal and gory. It's Sweeny Todd on acid.



That's not a brilliant way to get you hooked on this movie. In fact, I am pretty sure about half of you have just switch off your computers and phoned some kind of medical institution. But all those reasons that on paper (all those reasons that made the movie bomb at just $3, 250 per screen), shouldn't work are all the elements that bring this movie together in a gloriously finished product. A certain highlight is the ever brilliant Anthony Stewart Head as the torn father/murderer. His vocal performance is surprisingly great changing from a soft devoted man to a growly grisly killer in just one song. His tortured soul is a wonderful character that gets under your skin. And whilst Vega (Shilo) and Hilton's (Amber Sweet) singing both aren't award winning, their characters and acting are good and fitting, creating characters that are believeable and emotional (mostly Vega on that one). And lets not mention Terrance Zdunich as GraveRobber whose unknown narration nearly steals the show. And the music is outstanding. Repo! holds the record for the most songs ever written and recorded for a musical, and that effort really shines through. Songs like "Zydrate Anatomy" and "Night Surgeon" get into your head with catchy addictive songs and brilliantly crafted lyrics. The synths, guitars and instrument are combined well to deliver tunes that you'll be singing weeks after your first showing. And another thing, this film has Sarah Brightman in it. Enough said.

(This relationship will make you cry.)

(Yes, this film will made me cry)


A clear cult classic movie, Repo! The Genetic Opera is a passionate film that gives you exactly what it says on the tin. Visually stunning, combining futuristic fashions with Victorian Gothic, Repo! is a genius film in its own right. While the comedy element isn’t as strong as the comparable Rocky Horror Picture Show, Repo! has banded it’s own collection of avid fans. It’s not going to be on everyone’s top ten list, in fact some of you will turn away out of disgust. But those who have a hankering for a guilt filled trip need to purchase this film. Then the soundtrack. Then the costume of some sort.

(I already have this in my wardrobe. Guess which costume.)

Be prepared to obsess.

Rotten Tomatoes Rating - 33%

IMDB rating - 6.8/10

CookieNScreen rating - 4/5


Guilty pleasure rating




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