Unbreakable: The Mark Pollock Story - Brand New Trailer

22/09/2015 18:34

He’s alive dammit.

It’s a miracle!

There’s a lot of movies out there that are damning of certain sportsman. One big cyclist, whose name rhymes with Shmance Shmarmstrong, in particular is getting yet another damning movie about his ridiculous cheating scummy ways. It is right to feel a little disenfranchised by our sporting heroes and people we admired. Somehow, we’ve been mixed up in all these smear campaigns and secrets unearthed, we quite rightly feel we have lost our innocence.

But then, bam, here’s Mark Pollock, defining this generation of sportsmen and general human being awesomeness.

The story of Mark Pollock may seem tragic at first but there’s an incredible spirit that runs throughout his tale. Previously an Olympic rower, he was struck by blindness at 22. Determined to live his life to the fullest, he still raced across deserts, mountains and polar ice caps - even conquering the South Pole. As remarkable as that was, tragedy struck Mark again when he fell from a window and was left paralysed from the waist down. Yet in all that chaos, he pulled himself up, literally, and decided to soldier on.

The trailer is tear inducing enough, so imagine what the documentary is going to be like. With the entire scourge of humanity on display, there is a hope and it looks like Pollock is leading the charge.

Unbreakable: The Mark Pollock Story is out October 2nd