Stale Treats

The Hunger Games

15/04/2013 21:38
  The Hunger Games has swept the nation. Wanting to find anything to cling on to, the books similarly to the unfortunate Twilight series gave teens everywhere a new franchise. The tale of struggle, dystopia, survival and revolutions (as well as a totally hot love triangle) kept not just the...


08/04/2013 23:03
I have loved this film since I was a nipper. It was on constantly in our household with a bunch of Disney movies that my sister and I played repeatedly much to our parents’ annoyance. I know it off by heart, I know which songs come first, which part would make me happy and which part would terrify...

Jack The Giant Slayer

01/04/2013 22:27
  Remember the films you absolutely adored when you were a child?  The fairy tales that swept you into another world of magic and believing completely encased us all with want and dreaming. I’m not talking about the cartoon magic that we still uphold as great feats of imagination; I’m...

Hairspray (2007)

25/03/2013 21:07
  Hairspray. Whether we are talking the original John Walters cut classic (which I will do, tomorrow, as I said,) or this musical adaption, Hairspray burst into our lives with some wicked dance moves, crazy hair styles and at times, toe tapping beats. Centring around the same plus sized...


18/03/2013 12:36
  John Constantine is a comic book favourite amongst the geeks. First appearing in Vertigo Comics, in 1985 Swamp Thing (vol 2 #37,) and created by the great Alan Moore, Constantine has his own batch of comic series called Hellblazer (what what check out my research yo!) Cynical, deadpan,...
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