Stale Treats

Mighty Joe Young

04/05/2015 07:45
  The nineties were a weird time for us all. And if we properly sat down with ourselves we'd admit that we were all in a collective high that as only rivalled by the previous decade. This related to everything; clothes, fashion, music and media - it was all as though our global water supply...


28/04/2015 17:24
The uprising of battling stereotypical labels in high school has introduced a new wave of cinema. In most recent years, the aim of teen based comedy and drama has been to attack these profiles and pick them apart - hammering home that no one can define you, especially not ones at schools so intent...

The Brady Bunch Movie

22/04/2015 19:30
Quick question: Are you a Marcia or a Jan? Now there is half the population nodding their heads enthusiastically, peering at themselves in the mirror over crooked noses and big glasses, flipping their hair and sighing, “I’m totally a Marcia!”   And the rest of the population is going. “Sure,...

The Great Outdoors

14/04/2015 21:11
Being a kid is great when it comes to films. Everything is so exciting. Especially when you were born in the eighties and cinema made leaps and bounds, movies over-saturated our every orifice and we were over coming by goodness. That feeling of swash-buckling adventures, magical daring escapes and...

Pearl Harbour

07/04/2015 18:46
At one point in my life, I couldn’t cry at films. Or anything, for the matter. Saying that now will come as a shock to people who have lingered around my viewing habits. I cry at everything these days. From that annual John Lewis Christmas thing that tickles my eye pouches to the finale of many...
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